1967 Bordeaux Wine Vintage Report and Buying Guide

1967  Bordeaux Wine Vintage Summary with harvest information, vintage characteristics, buying tips and links. If you are seeking more in-depth information on anything and everything related to the Bordeaux wine region please see the: All About Bordeaux Wine Guide
1967 Bordeaux wine is well past its prime today.  When released, many of the top wines from the Summer of Love offered light, early drinking pleasure. They slowly declined after the charm of their youth faded. During the vinification of 1967 Bordeaux wine, many wines needed to be chaptalised, due to their lack of sugar levels. Pomerol produced the best wines from this off vintage. But every red, 1967 Bordeaux wine is in decline today.

However, while Sauternes is thought to be a great vintage. This is not exactly correct. While 1967 Chateau d’Yquem is a legendary wine, the rest of Sauternes are not exciting at stage and are already on the downward slope. The estate feels that 1967 Chateau d’Yquem is still not ready to drink. At close to 50 years of age, another decade or two is what the wine needs!

Having tasted 1937 Chateau d’Yquem recently, I see their point. The success of Sauternes in 1967 is however, due to the combination of rain in early September, followed by sun, later in the month, which helped the noble rot, botrytis develop. Harvesting in Sauternes began at the end of September and did not finish until almost November.

While most 1967 Bordeaux wines are past their peak today, many of the greatest rock and roll albums from that decade continue sounding fresh and vibrant. 1967, The Summer of Love brought us the historic, Monterey Pop Festival, Jimi Hendrix with “Are you Experienced, and “Axis Bold as Love”, we also discovered The Doors, the birth of Pink Floyd, some of the best work from The Rolling Stones and more importantly, The Beatles delivered their immortal classic, “Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band.” Hermitage, Cote Rote and Chateauneuf du Pape were all successful, but today, most of those wines are past their prime.

To read about other Bordeaux vintages from 1945 to today: Bordeaux Year to Year Detailed Vintage Reports & Guide 1945 to Today