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1 note Sort by: Vintage - Name - Rating

On the earthy, truffle side of the style range, with a wave of fresh squeezed black cherries on the palate, the wine is medium bodied and finesse in style, combining grace and elegance with freshness, purity and good weight. While the wine shares the same textural elegance as Dominus, Ulysses does the same density or concentration. But once you’re done with the comparison, which is natural to do, this is a great style of wine that deserves to be tasted. As this wine ages, it cold be deserving of another point or two, as it is in such a fabulous style!

On the earthy, truffle side of the style range, with a wave of fresh squeezed black cherries on the palate, the wine is medium bodied and finesse in style, combining grace and elegance with freshness, purity and good weight. While the wine shares the same textural elegance as Dominus, Ulysses does the same density or concentration. But once you’re done with the comparison, which is natural to do, this is a great style of wine that deserves to be tasted. As this wine ages, it cold be deserving of another point or two, as it is in such a fabulous style!

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