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Silver Oak
4 notes Sort by: Vintage - Name - Rating
Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon (Alexander Valley)
You have to dig deep below the blatantly oaky surface of vanilla and coffee bean to find the soft, plush, plummy fruits, but it can be done. This early drinking style for everyone, but if it's your thing, it's a nice wine. 4,920 Views Tasted Feb 11, 2015 |
Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon (Alexander Valley)
Medium bodied, dry, red berry dominated without much distinction. 11,837 Views Tasted Apr 30, 2012 |
Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley)
There is a marked pickle sensation along with the crisp, cranberry, red berry, smoke and oak sensations. Fans of this well-known wine will probably like it a lot more than I did. 11,960 Views Tasted Apr 30, 2012 |
Silver Oak Cabernet Sauvignon Bonny's (Napa Valley)
Once past the pickles, oak, brown sugar, jam and vanilla, some tasters might like the wine. My problem with the wine was, I could not get past the pickles, oak, brown sugar, jam and vanilla. 4,637 Views Tasted Aug 14, 2013 |