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Quilceda Creek

3 notes Sort by: Vintage - Name - Rating

Clearly, this is just not my style of wine. Served blind, the wine was overoaked, jammy, raisiny and flabby. With polished tannins and good concentration, clearly this is well made. While I have friends that really like this style of wine, it's just not for me.

Clearly, this is just not my style of wine. Served blind, the wine was overoaked, jammy, raisiny and flabby. With polished tannins and good concentration, clearly this is well made. While I have friends that really like this style of wine, it's just not for me.

4,836 Views   Tasted
This wine is so rich, sweet, powerful, thick and concentrated with ripe, jammy, blueberry and chocolate flavors, it would excite Charlie from the Chocolate factory! On the other hand, it's safe to assume Charlie and I do not share the same taste. This immense wine was stuffed, packed and stacked with blueberry, chocolate, vanilla and jammy notes. With textures akin to molten lava, it was too much of a thing I did not find good. I understand why the wine wins fans. It is a unique style not found in many wines. But for my palate, the wine lacked elegance, balance and freshness. It earned an average score because it's obviously well made. But the sum of its part did not offer an experience I want to repeat. I tasted the wine about 4 years ago and it has not budged an inch in development. I imagine this will last decades, but I am not sure it will morph into an elegant or refined wine. Not that it should, but people thinking this will gain complexities with time, might discover that is not what happens.

This wine is so rich, sweet, powerful, thick and concentrated with ripe, jammy, blueberry and chocolate flavors, it would excite Charlie from the Chocolate factory! On the other hand, it's safe to assume Charlie and I do not share the same taste. This immense wine was stuffed, packed and stacked with blueberry, chocolate, vanilla and jammy notes. With textures akin to molten lava, it was too much of a thing I did not find good. I understand why the wine wins fans. It is a unique style not found in many wines. But for my palate, the wine lacked elegance, balance and freshness. It earned an average score because it's obviously well made. But the sum of its part did not offer an experience I want to repeat. I tasted the wine about 4 years ago and it has not budged an inch in development. I imagine this will last decades, but I am not sure it will morph into an elegant or refined wine. Not that it should, but people thinking this will gain complexities with time, might discover that is not what happens.

11,346 Views   Tasted
Over the top with jam, licorice, jammy blackberry, liqueur and incense, the offered too much of everything. It was hot and out of balance. Taste is subjective. I am sure many people love this style of wine. I just did not find it attractive.

Over the top with jam, licorice, jammy blackberry, liqueur and incense, the offered too much of everything. It was hot and out of balance. Taste is subjective. I am sure many people love this style of wine. I just did not find it attractive.

5,031 Views   Tasted