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No Limit Wines
3 notes Sort by: Vintage - Name - Rating
No Limit Wines Syrah The Nuts Sawyer Lindquist Vineyard (Edna Valley)
A strong perfume packed with oak, flowers, bacon fat, jammy black and red fruit with pepper lead to a rich, fleshy, concentrated, fresh wine with a long, clean spicy, red berry dominated finish. 2,021 Views Tasted Aug 1, 2012 |
No Limit Wines Syrah All-In Sawyer Lindquist Vineyard (Edna Valley)
Dark in color, with a jammy, black plum, spice, black raspberry, earth and herbal nose, this concentrated, stylish, California Syrah ends with a clean, black cherry, spice and raspberry filled finish. 1,831 Views Tasted Aug 1, 2012 |
No Limit Wines Syrah The Nuts Sawyer Lindquist Vineyard (Edna Valley)
Deep ruby in color, with a nose of fresh cracked black pepper, herbs, licorice and jammy black and red berries, this rich, full bodied California wine ends with fresh black raspberries that are equally ripe and bright. 3,342 Views Tasted Aug 1, 2012 |