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Duckhorn Vineyards
4 notes Sort by: Vintage - Name - Rating
Duckhorn Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley)
The light, bright, crisp red berries will attract some tasters more than others. 3,525 Views Tasted Feb 11, 2015 |
Duckhorn Vineyards Merlot (Napa Valley)
Light and showing a tart character to the bright, red fruits, this is probably best on the young side. 2,111 Views Tasted Feb 11, 2015 |
Duckhorn Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley)
Medium bodied, light, or classic in style, with its fresh, bright, red berry personality, this is probably going to please some tasters a lot more than others. 3,161 Views Tasted Nov 16, 2013 |
Duckhorn Vineyards Merlot (Napa Valley)
Medium bodied with a red berry, high acid, dominated personality, this is best enjoyed on the young side. 3,762 Views Tasted Apr 30, 2012 |