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3 notes Sort by: Vintage - Name - Rating
Arietta Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley)
Full bodied, round, forward, fleshy styled wine, with a smoky, blackberry core of fruit in the center. 3,382 Views Tasted Nov 28, 2016 |
Arietta Cabernet Sauvignon (Napa Valley)
Full-mature, charming, soft, easy to like, medium-bodied, ripe, fresh, and open, the wine is focused on its sweet, spicy, leafy red fruits, earth, herbs and licorice, on the nose and in the elegantly textured finish. 3,391 Views Tasted Jul 8, 2021 |
Arietta Variation One (Napa Valley)
Very herbaceous. I was surprised to learn it’s a Merlot/Syrah blend. This is definitely a huge wine. I could sense the quality, but stylistically, it was not a wine I wanted to drink. When the $100 price tag is factored in, this is a big pass for me. 4,410 Views Tasted May 12, 2005 |