In today’s fast paced world, where consumers want everything now, wines demanding decades until they mature are anachronistic. However, that is what it takes to experience Chateau Latour at its best with its marriage of complexity, elegance and power.
With our new cellars, for the first time, we are pick each plot at the perfect date. Each parcel now has its dedicated tank, so the decision of harvesting each parcel of La Conseillante depends only of its own level of ripeness!
What I will remember most from this year is the brutal discrepancy between the wet spring and summer drought. One had to be in the vineyard constantly, make smart choices on a plot by plot and even bunch by bunch at times. But that’s what our job is all about, isn’t it?
The UGC returns to North America January 2013 to show the sublime 2010 Bordeaux vintage. Events are scheduled in San Francisco Los Angeles New York Chicago Washington DC Montreal and Toronto.
The 2012 Bordeaux vintage for us, in Pessac Leognan was dry until the end of March. Next it was very humid until the end of July. This was followed by a hot and sunny August with 2 or 3 days of rain.
At Branaire Ducru, we focus on obtaining freshness along with the best purity of the fruit possible. And of course a lot of finesse.