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2022 Pessac Leognan, Graves Red, White Wine Tasting Notes

2022 Pessac Leognan as well as Graves for both red, and white wines is a vintage to seek out. At their best, they offer compelling wine tasting experiences with everything love about the appellations. Silky, elegant, vibrant, concentrated, and refined, what’s not to love?


2022 Margaux In Bottle Tasting Notes, Tips on the Best Wine to Buy

2022 Margaux wines run the gamut, which is to be expected, as the appellation is large, and the terroir, as well as estates are quite varied. That being said, at their best, the wines floral, elegant, vibrant, and silky. They offer depth, length, and purity, with a few estates making the best wines they have ever produced!


2022 St. Julien In Bottle Report, Tasting Notes, What to Buy Now

2022 Saint Julien wines are stunning! Everyone made incredible, elegant, sensuous, character-driven wines of complexity. In fact, some estates made the best wines they have ever produced. This is the first time we have ever scored two wines 100 Pts!


2022 Pauillac In Bottle Reviews, Tasting Notes, Best Wines to Buy

2022 Pauillac wines are simply great! They have everything you want in a Pauillac. Elegant, tannic, vibrant, long, age-worthy, and refined, but also deeply sensuous, and complex. At their best, 2022 Pauillac wines have the ability to age, and evolve for decades, yet, most will be to drink in their youth as well.


2022 St. Estephe Wines In Bottle Tasting Notes, Wine Buying Tips

2022 is a historic vintage for St. Estephe. Across the board, from the top Second Growths to the Cru Bourgeois, the wines are gorgeous expressions of the vintage, and the appellation. Some estates made the best wines in the history of their vineyards.


2022 Bordeaux Wine, What to Buy Now, Reviews on Over 850 Wines

2022 Bordeaux is going to be seen as a legendary vintage in the years to come. It has the character, style, and consistency in every appellation at all price levels needed for greatness. There are numerous 100 Pt wines, as well as wines that are superb that sell for a song. 2022 Bordeaux is a vintage you need to pay attention to!