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2020 Chateauneuf du Pape Guide to all the Top Wines, Part 2 Wines D-I

2020 Chateauneuf du Pape is a vintage every Southern Rhone wine lover should take a serious look at. The wines are ripe, but not overripe There is a beautiful sense of purity in the sweet, juicy kirsch, balance, supple textures, and elegance that is already providing delicious tasting experiences.


2020 Chateauneuf du Pape Guide to the Finest Wines Part 3 Wines J-M

2020 Chateauneuf du Pape is true Grenache lovers vintage. The wines are supple, pure, fresh, soft, and silky, plus they have the ability to offer pleasure early in life, yet they also have the ability to age as well.


2020 Chateauneuf du Pape Complete Guide to the Best Wines Part 4 P-Z

2020 Chateauneuf du Pape wine buying guide, part 4 is the final article in our vintage report covering all of the top wines P-Z. 2020 is a fabulous vintage for the Southern Rhone that is produced is a supple, forward, elegant style that will offer pleasure early, yet age and evolve for years. Grenache lovers and fans of Chateauneuf should take a serious look at these wines as they merit attention.


Quintus wants a seat at the table with all the top Saint Emilion Wines

Quintus in a comparative, blind tasting against all the First Growths of St. Emilion, Ausone, Cheval Blanc, Figeac, Angelus, and Pavie covering its first 8 vintages. Details on the tasting and the event.


2021 Sauternes and Barsac Wine Report, Tasting Notes, Vintage Analysis

2021 Sweet white Bordeaux wines are simply, just great! Complex, racy, sweet, and unctuous with crisp, fresh, honey-drenched fruits. But you need to act quickly, as very little wine was made as production was down by 70% or more this year.


2021 White Bordeaux Wine Report, Tasting Notes Scores Vintage Analysis

2021 White Bordeaux Wines rock! They are extraordinary capturing the essence of the vineyards with purity, precision, crisp, bright, zesty fruits, complex aromatics, and all the vibrancy and character you could ever hope for. If you are a fan of Bordeaux Blanc, these are the best wines in years. Don’t miss out as very little wine was made this year.