The wines being made today at Chateau Giscours by Jelgersma team, headed by Alexander van Beek and consultant Denis Dubourdieu, are the best wines they have produced in the history of the Bordeaux chateau!
Dinner with Jean-Luc Thunevin and Murielle Andraud is always one of the highlights of my visits to Bordeaux. It is difficult to find a couple that is more passionate about wine, St. Emilion and most importantly, each other.
Fat, sexy, juicy, silky and erotic textures couple with the luscious mouth coating layers of intense, ripe black fruits and sweet black cherry jam that last for over forty seconds. The wine was bottled, May 15, 2010.
Its first two wine funds – topped by the ’82 Latour and ’86 Lafite – turned in annual returns of 15 to 17 percent. Its fund size has since grown eight times over, now worth over $7.1 million. Most of those are Bordeaux wines.
The Wine Cellar Insider has been online for one year! This week, 300 posts, 600 pages, 2,000 photos and 3,000 wine tasting notes and reviews later, we’re celebrating our official First Birthday!!!
Tasting Bordeaux wine barrel samples is always an interesting. The wines are continually changing, and at a rapid pace. Sometimes they improve. On different occasions they remain the same and at other times, they do not develop as well as expected.