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La Vieille Cure, Contender for best Bordeaux Value Wine

Starting with the 2000 vintage, La Vieille Cure has been a contender for the Bordeaux wine value in the region. 2005 remains the best vintage yet for this estate.


Kurobuta Pork, Cote Rotie, A Perfect Wine and Food Pairing

The key to creating the perfect wine and food pairing is, keep it simple. Buy the best ingredients possible. Don’t over cook your meal. With wine, look for similar texture and weight.


1991 Vintage Port Blind Tasting with Roy Hersh

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying Vintage Port when their vibrant personalities are still forming and primary. After all, it helps to understand what these youngsters are like in order to ascertain a specific shipper’s house style and ability to improve with age.


2011 Bordeaux Blanc Harvest is taking place at a slow pace.

Gentle pickings take place before the serious harvesting of the grapes to produce the white Bordeaux wines begins taking place. The purpose is to help train the staff while making sure everything is in working order for when the fruit starts rolling in.


2011 Bordeaux Harvest Starts Early, Replay of 1893?

Until recently, many vintners were sure 2011 would be one of the earliest harvests in history, Some growers were sure you would have to go all the way back to 1893 to find a vintage that was picked as early as 2011. That is no longer the case.


Lafleur Pomerol Tasting, 1989 – 2010 with Jacques Guinaudeau

At Petrus, Christian Moueix has said, the only wine that competes with, and can be better than Petrus is Chateau Lafleur.